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The Night:


MANIFETSO, a solo improvised dance performance,

took place On Friday, February 16th , performed by me, intended as the subject of my documentation.


MANIFETSO was a scored improvisation.

The score was kept simple and open consisting only of the space and duration of the dance, the costume, a question that served as the point of departure for movement exploration and a list of movements and corporeal actions that were namedThe Doings’.


The audience was familiarised with the score and was invited to participate freely. The openness of the score and the countless possibilities for interaction resulted in a very interesting tension between myself, the performer and the audience.


This tension was described to me as empty space that needed to be filled; gaps

that gave everyone the impulse to act.

      Indeed, the audience’s participation was so dominant that it exceeded any kind of control, thus, effortlessly transforming what started off as a solo, into a group improvisation.

MANIFESTO was originally a solo performance.

The audience was encouraged to give in to stimuli and impulses and to be unafraid to satisfy their curiosity.

This invitation resulted in an extraordinary interaction between the performer, the audience and the environment, which blended the roles and turned the solo into a group dance. For that reason, I felt that Blue-Purple, Purple-Blue could no longer be a score for one performer.

As an attempt to include the audience’s participation in this score, I am assigning the actions that emerged from the audience to the following archetypes.


The Archetypes

The Mother: The creator. The mother is silently supportive, caring and always willing to offer a helping hand.

The Player: Sensitive to any opportunity for participation, the playerl is always happy to join the game. 

The Joker: Similar to the Player, the Joker is extremely active. S(He) feels the itch to stir the waters and to keep things moving. Is responsible for most interruptions and does not wait for the moment to be right. Acts on impulse.

The Wolf: The power of the Wolf brings forth instinct, intelligence, appetite for freedom, and awareness of the importance of social connections. There to take care of the performance. Always a good judge of the situation, the supportive organises, inspires and completes.

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